Samsa family in my perspective had the benefits as a family before Gregor transformed into a bug. This is because Gregor was the only one to support the family while the sister was spoiled. The dad didn’t have to work and the mom could relax in peace. The family was just so used to the normal routine that every one was happy and every body was benefiting. “Those had been beautiful days, Gregor later earned so much money that he was in a position to bear the expenses of the entire family.” Pg. 10
After the transformation of Gregor the family started to fall apart and case harm to each other. Each of them had to work to keep up with Gergor salary that he used to make. “Now, although his father was old, he was healthy man who had not worked at all for five years and thus could not be counted on for very much. His own Mother now perhaps worked for money, a woman suffered from asthma. Should his sister earn money? the girl who was only 17 years old, a child whose earlier life style had been so very delightful.” Pg.10 Working was a major part of the harm that was causing them to fall apart. Another part that is causing harm to the family is Gregor him self. He is too much trouble to take care of and the Mom keeps fainting when Gregor escaped from his room making the sister mad at him and also making her cry and that made the dad want to kill Gregor to be able to live peacefully and to stop all the pain that the family was going through. “She caught sight of the enormous brown splotch on the flowered wallpaper. She screamed out in a high pitched raw voice “Oh God, Oh God” and fell with outstretched arms.” “Gregor you….” “Cried out his sister with a raised fist.” Pg.13 “Father filled his pockets. Throwing apples after apple.” Pg.14
Rules of a healthy family
1. Respecting boundaries
2. Support the family members that are struggling.
3. Open communication
4. Encouragement
5. Quality time
C I give them a C becuase even though they had some struggles when Gregor transformend they still been a great family and had a great comunicatiaon before the transfermation.
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